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O sistemu


The system for the exchange of information on the indebtedness of legal entities was established on 1 January 2017 pursuant to the ZCKR. Banka Slovenije is the operator of the system. Monthly data regarding the indebtedness of legal entities at banks, savings banks and the branches of Member State banks established in the Republic of Slovenia (bank members) was exchanged in the SISBIZ system from the establishment of the system until 31 August 2020. In addition to data regarding the indebtedness of legal entities at bank members, data regarding the indebtedness of legal entities at other non-bank members will also be exchanged from 1 October 2020 on. Thus, from 1 October 2020 on, bank and non-bank members will submit data to the system immediately when a credit transaction (exposure) is concluded with a legal entity and immediately following a change to such a transaction.

Members are responsible for ensuring that data processed in the SISBIZ system are accurate and up-to-date, and for making revisions to erroneous data in accordance with the ZCKR and implementing regulations.

As system administrator, Banka Slovenije ensures the proper and smooth functioning of the SISBIZ and, in that context, primarily the functioning of software and hardware and the physical and electronic protection thereof, as well as the functionality of the system in the sense of sectoral regulations (the ZCKR and ZBan-2). Banka Slovenije is also the supervisory authority and misdemeanours body in connection with the accuracy of reporting by members and the fulfilment of conditions for membership.